Monday, March 29, 2010

30 Days of Shredding

I completed the 30-day Shred workout at approximately 7AM this morning. I didn't know I had it in me. I'm so excited, proud of myself and am feeling more confident than I have in years. I'm going to keep doing the workout because it is indeed a WORKOUT, but it's nice to know that I could change it up and do something different without fear of jeopardizing getting the 30 days done in 30 days. I HIGHLY recommend this workout. It's tough but in a really, really good way!

Go here for more info:

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Outfit #1 Reaching a new decade of weight.

My next big goal will come in about 4 pounds. That will enter me into a new "decade" of weight (the 2nd one thus far!) and it is a very welcome decade. Part of my fashion planning is thinking about just what event I can wear the outfit to once it fits. Something I have plenty of in the next month (which I fully intend on losing 4 pounds in) are showers. I know approximately a million people getting married this year, so this outfit will get lots of wear. This will also work on a casual day in the office. Here's what I'm thinking...

Top: Old Navy- $24.50

Pants: Old Navy -$29.50

Purse: Target- $16.99

Bracelet: Maurices- $10.00

Sandals: Target - $15.00

Outfit Total: $95.99

And here we go...

I began my weight loss journey about...ergh...15 years ago. Actually what I should say, is I really started my weight loss journey about a month ago. For the first time in those (ergh) 15 years, something finally clicked. I've known what I need to do every day for the past 15 years, but about a month ago, I put that knowledge to use. I know in the real world, a month isn't that long to diet & exercise, but for me, I've typically given up after about ...3 days... if that long. So, I know that I'm now in it to win it. {Please expect lots and lots of cheese.*} I can excitedly inform the world that I'm down 15 pounds. Will I ever tell you my starting weight? Well, we aren't that close yet. Let's give it time.

What this weight loss means for me is that I'm finally able to start shopping for the clothes I've wanted to wear FOR AGES but haven't been able to. I will tell you that I've been out of the "supercute clothes" range by many pounds for quite a while. I've always really, really loved fashion but for the past several years my choices have been limited. When I first started thinking about trying to lose weight (again) I started online shopping for all the things I would wear if it would fit (and probably look remotely decent).* Now, I'm using that idea as the premise of this blog. As I'm meeting my weight loss goals, I'm getting new outfits to celebrate the occasion. Seems like a pretty sweet reward, eh?

So, join me, won't you? I promise three things:

1) There will be loads of cute clothes and where to find them.
2) There will be photos of me in said outfits when I reach each goal.
3) I'll be funny. At least sometimes.

*Bloggers Notes:

"Cheese" refers to silliness, because right now in life, just about every kind of cheese is on the "I don't think so" list. But more on that later.

*My budget is slim (get it?). I will lust after many an outfit from stores that are out of my current price range BUT I'll find a cheaper alternative whenever possible. I'm good at that.