Thursday, April 22, 2010

.9 lbs to go until NEW OUTFIT!

Ok, so the calorie counting is totally working. Who knew? :)

Since I seriously started keeping track of calories less than a week ago...I've lost 4lbs. I know it's not really a good idea to have that much come off at once, but I assure you that I'm eating plenty and exercising a lot, but not over-exercising.

I'll take it.

Only .9lbs til I reach a new decade of weight. I never thought I'd see this number again. Ever. And now I'm OH SO CLOSE.

I have a bridal shower on Saturday that I would totally love to wear this outfit to. .9lbs until that's an option. Let the record show that I don't yet own this outfit, so I will be very busy in the next two-ish days with trying to get that last less-than-a-pound off, shopping (!!!) and of course, finishing the gift for the shower.

This can be done.

The next time you hear from me, it will likely be in photo-form so I can show you the outfit on my new decade body.

Until then...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Inching Closer...

Finally, FINALLY, seeing a return of weight loss. Yay, yay, yay!

As I mentioned before, I knew inches were coming off. I randomly tried an old pair of jeans yesterday that are 2 sizes smaller, and the size that I was when I moved here pre-gaining lots of weight, and they buttoned. Mind you, I've still got a ways to go until they look good, but THEY BUTTONED. Huge progress!

I'm owing my recent weight loss progress to a new app I discovered for my phone. Yay, technology! It has a calorie counting program that is very thorough and even has a barcode scanner that will import the nutrition info right from the container. So cool! It has helped me track how many calories I'm taking in each day, as well as how many I am expending. As I thought I might be, I haven't been eating enough calories during the daytime, and have had to eat nearly 1000 calories around dinner to make up for it. That's something I need to work on so that I'm spreading out those calories better throughout the day. Though, I won't lie. I've enjoyed eating double cheeseburgers and still losing weight. :) But I should probably be eating something with a bit more nutritional value. :)

Only 2.9lbs to go until I get to wear the outfit below! So excited to shop for it!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Still Finding My Way...

I'm still working hard. Really, really hard.

Upon completion (YAY!) of the 30 day Shred, I began run/jog/walking 4-5 days a week and doing one of the shred workouts the other days. I'm LOVING this regimen. I never thought I'd be one to really push myself during the run/jog/walking, but I totally am. I'm doing the same route every time, so I remember just how far I made it last time and just how far I want to go this time. My new phone has a cardio counter, and according to that, I'm burning over 400 calories during these sessions. Amazing!

That being said, the pounds are not falling off. I 100% believe and KNOW that I'm losing inches. Some of my clothes are starting to fall off me, and others I'm wearing that I haven't worn in a few years. Those are GREAT feelings. However, I am a bit bummed about that number on the scale.

I'm definitely still learning the dieting part of dieting and exercising. I'm eating really, really well- I have no doubts about this. However, given the amount of activity I'm doing, I'm not sure I'm eating enough calories. I know that counting calories would be immensely helpful... but it's SUCH A PAIN. I've been down that road. I know it works, but I just don't want to deal with all the math involved. I want it to be easy- to just eat well and weight to fall off. If I am NOT eating enough calories, I'm not all that interested in adding more. I'm finally used to eating less and eating well... I don't want to bring more food into the picture.

I know this is all going to balance itself soon, but I'm really ready to buy the outfit below and leave this decade of weight.

One thing I do want to leave you with, dear readers, is a book that is AMAZING. If you are in the same boat that I've been in for years, I promise that this book will at least have lots of good pointers for you and it may just change your life.

Annnnd for some reasons blogger isn't letting me upload a photo. So, the link is:

Besides book info, there is lots of other good stuff on the website. Check it out!