Thursday, April 22, 2010

.9 lbs to go until NEW OUTFIT!

Ok, so the calorie counting is totally working. Who knew? :)

Since I seriously started keeping track of calories less than a week ago...I've lost 4lbs. I know it's not really a good idea to have that much come off at once, but I assure you that I'm eating plenty and exercising a lot, but not over-exercising.

I'll take it.

Only .9lbs til I reach a new decade of weight. I never thought I'd see this number again. Ever. And now I'm OH SO CLOSE.

I have a bridal shower on Saturday that I would totally love to wear this outfit to. .9lbs until that's an option. Let the record show that I don't yet own this outfit, so I will be very busy in the next two-ish days with trying to get that last less-than-a-pound off, shopping (!!!) and of course, finishing the gift for the shower.

This can be done.

The next time you hear from me, it will likely be in photo-form so I can show you the outfit on my new decade body.

Until then...


  1. Hey lady! Did you get to wear it? Where are the pics? :)

  2. Good for you!! You are inspiring me to get back into my workouts! :)
